Edible Stuff
Welcome to CORE 2Mrs. Gallardo
Room C208 Email [email protected] Phone (909)381-4295 x410071 Oasis of Mara at Joshua Tree National Park |
San Timeteo Canyon Plant Identification Practice
"When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds that it is attached to the rest of the world."
-John Muir
Environmental Horticulture Pacing Guide
Environmental Horticulture Syllabus
Class Calendars
Research Handout |
Class Assignments |
Unit 1: Scientific Method
Scientific Method Note Page
Scientific Method Presentation
Propagation Notes
Unit 2: Plant Anatomy
Flower Presentation
Flower Note Page
Flower Study Guide
Leaf Presentation
Leaf Note Page
Root Presentation
Root Note Page
Flower Dissection
Microscope Lab
Quarter Project
Vocabulary Review
Plant Anatomy #1
Plant Anatomy #2
Plant Anatomy #3
Plant Tissues
Plant Tissue Webquest
Plant Tissue Webquest Handout
Vocabulary Reviews: SAFMEDs
Graph your progress on this
Unit 1 Flash Cards
October is reporting time and we need your input. We need your input on what we have done this past year and how well we have supported you as you have made your way through the 2012-13 school year. Please be sure you give lots of examples and are very specific. If we have not supported you in an area as well as you think, then suggest how we can do better.
Submit your form before
Monday, OCTOBER 14th!
Submit your answers here for credit!